Contact us - Domaine Colbois

Contact us Contact and find Domaine Colbois in Chitry

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday, 8am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 6pm

Preferably by phone

By appointment on Sunday

Contact form

Write a message with the form bellow

The processing of your Personal Data is done by Domaine Colbois, data controller, whose digital protection officer is Benjamin Colbois who can be contacted at the following address :69 Grande Rue 89530 Chitry. The purposes of the processing are the following : business relation and communication by any means. Consent and pre-contractual measures are the law foundations of the processing. Data recipients are : the data controller, and all public authority enabled to access these data by law. Time limits for the data conservation is the period of our business relation. You have the right to access, oppose, modify and ask for portability, to all your data collected. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You have the right to settle a claim to an official public authority of control. Your data is necessary to our business relation.

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